Tuesday, September 15, 2009

the power of believing in your luck

an amazing thing happened to me 2 weeks ago, and i'm still shaking my head in amazement even now. i was flying out of tampa in an all out "make-your-flights-completely-messed-up" downpour. so, obviously the plane that would be shuttling me toward my connection in minneapolis was rerouted to another airport because it couldn't land. i am considering the hotels in the area when the unthinkable... "attention passengers on flight bla-bla-bla to minneapolis, we will be boarding at gate x in 20 minutes" upon investigation, i find out that we actually "borrowed" a plane that was destined for nyc, but wasn't scheduled for awhile so, you know - why not just let us use it? (experienced fliers are shaking their head with me too... unbelievable amounts of reason! love it.)

it get's better.

as we are herded down the accordion tunnel into our plane, this woman in front of me is saying that she "is the luckiest person in the world" - as such we should all be grateful that she is on our flight (because we are benefiting from her "luckiness")". before i could stop my thoughts i am "yeah right lady." ... but then I do stop. why not? why not be the luckiest person in the world and have planes "borrowed" for you when you have an important meeting that you must get to?

click. ah HA!

luck isn't something that other people have, it is something we all have. there is more than enough "luck" to go around as luck isn't the same for everyone. perhaps someone destined for the nyc flight is thanking their "lucky stars" their flight is delayed so they can finish their coffee with a friend, hold hands with their partner, or avoid their mother in law. who's to say?

at the time, i was shocked as the light turned on for me, and all i could muster is "i am friends with the luckiest people in the world, so YOU should be glad that i'm on this flight too."

i got my "ah HA", and a new friend... pretty lucky.

now i say it outloud at least once a day now: "I am the luckiest person in the world." and i am.

get inspired.


Johnny Piano said...

Good inspiration. You never know when that wayward bus might be bearing down on your pedestrian path. More important, though, is the path you choose. If you choose to be happy, to be successful, to be lucky, you will. You might not get exactly what you want, but you'll often find out you wanted what you got. And if you are, in fact, in the path of that bus, maybe it's your lucky day. Who knows what you'll find on the other side.

Johnny Piano said...

I think we need more thoughts on this lonely outpost in the blogosphere. Read Underwear provides a valuable perspective on the world, even if hidden under the dross of daily dress. Give us some joy!